Working with the TCAP approach is...

Working with the TCAP approach is...

Behavioural grooming with the Art au Poil school... what exactly is it?

Working with the TCAP approach is much more than grooming with rewards.

The TCAP grooming model has been carefully created from the scientific laws of learning, a thorough understanding of the micro-signals of canine language, a complete reorganization of the working environment and applied behavior analysis (ABA).

By respecting the individual physical and psychological limits of the animal and by avoiding going beyond its tolerance threshold, we can considerably reduce its stress level.

With the TCAP approach, we aim to develop a relationship of trust with each animal in order to experience a collaborative experience, even a communion between the animal and the human.

Desired behaviors are reinforced and we teach alternative behaviors to undesirable ones.

TCAP has been woven from over 20 years of experience in grooming and animal behavior, several specialized studies and practical workshops (see our expertise here: Expertise), a daily spiritual journey, reflections allowing an expansion of consciousness, the universal laws governing the whole universe, a healthier lifestyle, a beautiful friendship with our friends, students, clients, dogs, cats, pigs, alpacas, horses, chickens, ducks, monkeys, crows, fish, parrots, plants, trees, and especially with our friends the humans

TCAP was born from a relationship of love, friendship and daily partnership; in short, everything was created in the heart of the association of two beings who share the same passion and who look in the same direction by wishing the well-being of every living being.

subtitles coming soon... :)

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