Certified TCAP Behavioural Grooming Practitioner

"One day we dreamed that animals were treated humanely by animal professionals, that they were respected in their physical, psychological and emotional limits, that everyone agreed that they do not have to suffer pain as a necessary evil and that they were given the opportunity to make choices about their own destiny...one day our dream finally materialized."

Certified "TCAP Interventionists" (TCAP Behavioral Groomer) have:

  • participated in the behavioral grooming Art au Poil theoretical training (TCAP Module 1) during 3 days

  • Participated in the 6-days supervised practical training in behavioral grooming (MODULE 2)

  • presented 2 filmed cases in behavioral grooming 

  • participated in the group review of the case studies

  • succeeds the theoretical and practical assessment

  • renew their certification every 2 years by following a theoretical behavioral grooming Art au Poil update training (TCAP Module 1)

The TCAP certification is now internationally recognized throughout America and Europe. A renewal every two years allows students to benefit from new learning and updates of the TCAP program that takes new animal behavior discoveries into consideration. When the student renews his certification, he confirms his professionalism and know-how.

A list of certified TCAP Intervenants is provided annually to groups of canine behavior specialists in Quebec (RQIEC) and in France who work in positive reinforcement. The Art au Poil training school does not sell diplomas. Each student must make the necessary efforts for his practical and theoretical learning and is responsible for his competence and success. Clients and referring professionals can therefore be assured of the professionalism of our certified behavioral groomers.