A new certification for canine educators is born

A new certification for canine educators is born

"Grooming should never be a necessary pain but rather an essential well-being."

Grooming the dog several times a year is an essential well-being in terms of dermatological prevention, prevention in terms of regular hygiene: eyes, ears, anti-parasite, observation of physiological changes, claws trimming every 3 weeks minimum, cleaning care with protective rehydration at least once every 4 weeks, maintenance of the short, medium or long coat.

The grooming or medical visit experience is often considered by the dog to be threatening to its well-being.

Stress and psychological distress

This threat generates stress. Stress experienced at the grooming facility and/or at the veterinarian's office as distress automatically triggers an "alarm or emergency response" in the animal's body.

It is important to know that stress is cumulative in the body of each individual (dogs, cats, humans).

The effects of high stress alter the body and brain, which take several months to repair.

The body releases multiple stress hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol) and it takes the body and brain several days to return to the levels they were at before the stress occurred.

It is essential for a professional and for dog guardians to understand that stress has a devastating effect on the health of the animal.

Through repeated stress, the immune system is threatened. The dog is exposed to skin problems, allergies, infections (ears, anal gland, bladder) and diseases.

Chronic stress increases blood pressure, causes blood circulation problems, heart problems, oxygen circulation problems and stomach ulcers.

Stress and diseases

However, there is a link between the number of significant stressful events in the course of life and the appearance of various diseases in animals (strokes, asthma, diabetes, hypertension...).*

Stress and life expectancy

Dogs have a life expectancy between 10 and 13 years. Humans have a life expectancy of 70 years. The repeated stresses experienced by the animal have an even more serious impact on its life expectancy.

This is why it is so important as a professional concerned about the animal's well-being to reduce the level of stress at each grooming or veterinary visit.

Professionals specialized in Behavioral Grooming TCAP in Canada, France and soon in Italy and USA

For several years now, several professionals have been specializing in this field (TCAP certified) at the l'Art au Poil school, international pioneers in behavioral grooming and stress-free and force-free care.

It is essential for your pet's health to have a stress-free grooming or veterinary visit.

As a guardian of a dog or cat you have the right to know that it is possible, even essential for your pet to experience a grooming or a veterinary visit with less stress.

A new certification for canine educators and for all dog lovers is born: ESAAP

A new animal care training certification (ESAAP) designed specifically for dog trainers has been developed at the request of many dog trainers. This certification has been expanded and is now available to all dog lovers.

This training will allow the educators ans dog lovers to profer the basic manipulations in grooming, all in FORCE-FREE and LOW-STRESS: to trim the claws, to wash, to dry, to clean the ears without force nor constraint, in stress reduction with the ritual taught by the Art au Poil School.

We aim to create a collaboration between the ESAAP certified educator and the TCAP certified groomer.

They will learn to introduce several stimuli in force-free and stress-free grooming:

  • brushing
  • combing
  • gentle detangling
  • claws trimming
  • scissors
  • the head
  • the tail
  • intro to razor
  • intro to drying
  • intro to bathing
  • the tools
  • the approach
  • the environment
  • the ESAAP ritual
  • the positions
  • the gestures
  • the techniques
  • micro-signals
  • the ESAAP programs

The ESSAP certified educator and the TCAP certified groomer take the time necessary to adjust to the adaptation time of each animal as a whole individual, with its own limits and capacities.

The fee for TCAP services is based on the actual time spent caring for your pet within its limits.

A beautiful exchange of energy that will bear fruit throughout the animal's life.

Learn more about stress signals:


Be on the lookout for signs of stress, discomfort and unhappiness in your pet: Read the latest news: What is TCAP grooming?

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