An unforgettable stay in the land of our European cousins

An unforgettable stay in the land of our European cousins

Art au Poil and France: a real crush...

L'Art au Poil gave 2 trainings in zoocosmetology in Toulouse at the Institut de Formation 31 at the end of January 2014 and beginning of February 2015. 

In a word, the Quebec training school l'Art au Poil was seduced by France and by the Institut de Formation 31.

L'Art au Poil has nothing but praise for its European friends: a warm welcome, exquisite gastronomy with its incomparable wines, a natural predisposition of the students for learning, well adapted premises for professionals and a beautiful spirit of mutual help between students.

Our trainings took place at the Institut de Formation 31, where students who are already professional groomers come to deepen their knowledge.

All the students in search of modern knowledge were very open-minded.

Students in France

Love at first sight was mutual and by popular demand, Institut de Formation 31 and 29 of its students requested that we come back with our innovative TCAP behavioral grooming certification this time.

The TCAP (Toilettage Comportemental Art au Poil) certification trainings will be held on April 11,12 and 13, 2015 (first group) as well as April 14, 15 and 16, 2015 (2nd group).



Thank you to the Institut de Formation 31 for promoting evolution and change in the grooming field. 

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